Keto Blue Cheese Dip

I personally love the taste of blue cheese, it goes a long way in high flavors. This Saturday while controlling my urge to eat outside , I though of creating this dip at home. I used to love market dip’s . They are so flavorful that I just end up eating whole packet of dip in one go while watching Netflix , lol Man it’s difficult to control. May be you guys can help me by giving few tips 🙂

While following a keto diet , It’s really important to stay away from processed food , so only option left with me to be healthy and fit is to make it myself. So here comes one of my favorites keto dip receipe. Hope you guy’s will like it. Also guys, do let me know your favorite dip recipe.

Blue Cheese Dip

This easy homemade blue cheese dressing is better than anything you can buy at the store. It's extra creamy and perfect for tossing with salad

  • 2 tbsp Crumbled Blue Cheese
  • 1 tbsp Cottage Cheese
  • 2 tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream
  1. In a food processor or blender, add all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth, add more whipping cream if required based on texture of your cheese. Transfer to a small bowl.

    Cover and refrigerate until serve time, or up to 3 days.

Blue Cheese Dressing


Serving Size: 1 servings



Value % Goal
Calories 173.6
Total Carbs 1.7g
  Net Carbs info  1.7g 7.90%
  Diabetes Carbs info  1.7g 5.50%
  Sugar 1.3g
  Added Sugar
  Sugar Alcohols
Protein 5.9g 5.70%
Fat 16.1g 12.50%
  Cholesterol 48.5mg 16.20%
Glycemic Load 0.5

If you want to know 7 things before starting keto diet, check this

Don’t be afraid to add different flavors like garlic/basil/or any other keto friendly herbs/spices which you like.

Lemon Vinaigrette

Lemon dressings often incorporate flavors, such as herbs, garlic, and anchovy, but sometimes a simple lemon vinaigrette is all you want.

There are tons of artificial flavors added to store bought stuff and we never want that on Keto. We are always looking for easy recipes to make right? In my search for making a tasty salad , I ended up making a recipe for its dressing as well . After all what’s a good salad without a dressing!!

Why Lemon?

  • Lemons are acidic in nature but are alkalizing for the body, helping to restore body’s PH balance.
  • Being rich in Vit C and flavonoids that helps fighting against infections like flu and cold.
  • They are one of the greatest element for liver as it helps in detoxifying/flushes the uric acid for system.
  • Having a glass of lemon juice with warm water helps in regulating bowl movement
    thus eliminating waste from the body.
  • Lemon is such a powerful ingredient for body that it can help dissolving gall bladder stone, calcium deposits and kidney stones.
  • Most widely used ingredient for weight loss which increases immunity and it’s antioxidants property help in keeping your skin fresh and healthy.

Modern diet consist of refined sugars, un-processed foods, chemicals which contributes to production of acid in the blood, causing PH to levels where
diseases can thrive. So adding lemon can counter these negative effects.

Acc. to one of the study published in the British Journal of Radiology, fostering an alkaline environment in the body could also help enhance cancer treatment effectiveness as well.

So there is no reason for us , not to consume it Right? So , here is my take of classic Lemon vinaigrette dressing. Enjoy !

Lemon Vinaigrette

Tangy dressing for quick salad with savoury flavour to enrich your taste buds

  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice (You can reduce it , if you donot want too much tanginess)
  • 1 tbsp chicken Broth
  • 1 tbsp minced shallots
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 Garlic clove, minced
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley
  • 1 tsp minced, fresh thyme
  1. Mix all the ingrdients in air tight container and shake it well .

  2. Refrigerate until serving time.

  3. Can be kept for 1 week.

C’mon Mustard!! You need to Ketchup….

Store-bought salad dressings offer convenience, but they’re often littered with sugar, unhealthy oils, and sketchy additives. They are riddled with monosodium glutamate (MSG) and phosphoric acid. But preparing your own salad dressing at home can help you avoid these unhealthy ingredients while saving you money. To help you out, we rounded up this healthy and delicious salad dressing recipe that you can make in a matter of minutes and moreover, its Keto Approved!!!

Mustard Salad Dressing

Eating green salads daily keeps your blood levels high with a lot powerful antioxidants (vitamin C and E, folic acid, lycopene, and alpha- and beta-carotene,) especially if your salad includes some raw vegetables. Adding tasty salad dressing on greens makes you in love with greens !!! Salad is a must part of any meal as it helps clearing our system and makes us fit and healthy.

  • 2/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/3 cup vinegar / lemon juice
  • 1 tsp mustard seed/ paste
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  1. Whisk olive oil with vinegar or lemon in a bowl rigorously until both blend together completely.
  2. Dry roast mustard seeds in a pan and grind them to create fine powder.
  3. Add powder in vinegar and olive oil solution along with salt and black pepper.
  4. Add this solution over your salad and enjoy..

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Per Serving:-

Nutrient Value
Calories 777.7
Total Carbs 1.4g
   Net Carbs 0.9g
   Diabetes Carbs 0.9g
   Fiber 0.6g
   Starch 0.7g
   Sugar 0.2g
   Added Sugar
   Sugar Alcohols 0.0g
Protein 0.7g
Fat 87.2g
Glycemic Load 0.4

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